Tuesday, May 19, 2009

my twitterverse

I like twittering very much on first place because it brings a lot of inspiration and information to me.
Last week I thought about collecting my favorite tweets – here they are:

Tim and I recently had an inspiring discussion on the idea of translating actions to thoughts – which sometimes is hard to do. This one is about making thoughts stick:
@tim_hurson: If you don’t express your thoughts, they disappear. We remember things by telling their stories.

Another quote I liked reminds me of limitations which often emerge from within
RT @jgodfrey @stevepavlina : As you go through your day, notice how often you attach labels to your experiences. Consider how that limits you.

Some management mistakes are so common that you can actually compile them into a list. If you’re a manager struggling to find out why your team is dysfunctional, take a look at the behaviors in this list and see if any look familiar.
@GanttGuru Truer words seldom spoken: "Deal only w/ the one w/ the issues." from Top 5 Mistakes by Managers #PMOT

Knowledgemangement: a collection of links
@changekomm RT @zcope Die Top20 Wissensmanagement-Links von Simon Dueckert great source

Hash tags are a powerful tool – if you know how to use them. An Introduction:
RT @wallybock RT @markshaw: HOW TO: Get the Most Out of Twitter #Hashtags:

This is a link you should take some time. It contains a videocast of a discussion of e-learning tools. I find it very interesting as it reflects some behavioral changes in enterprises you should consider working as a consultant.
from @pm4girls blog GirlsGuide: #pmot E-learning: tool for project handover (and more) via @severa_psa @DaveG253

Another “huge” resource – a master thesis you might consider to read
RT @klauseck Culture & "Wikibility" of Innovation Oriented Workplaces Nr.4 #pdf (via @Daimler_BI)

Working with open space technologies? Here is a free eBook you might want to bookmark
RT @changekomm RT @voyager3000 Free OpenSpace-Online eBook:

And last but not least – as work life balance becomes more and more important: some action oriented tips on how to get more energy
@FreelanceSw Ways to Get More Energy

Friday, May 15, 2009

pieces of wisdom

I just read this on twitter

Luck is all about being open to opportunities beyond situation as it presents itself. Are you lucky in life?

Think it has a lot to do with managing projects. So what about the opportunities, your recent project opens up to you?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Setting the Course

We need to learn to set our course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship. ~ General Omar N. Bradley

NASA Project Management Challenge

The PM Challenge is one of NASA’s premier training events. It brings together the best speakers, discussion panels, case studies, and networking opportunities in program/project management, systems engineering, safety & mission assurance, team building, business management, and many others.

Check their Website for information about the upcoming Event in February 2010 and for some great resources on former conferences.

This website is really worth to be bookmarked.

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